4Questions Buying Clubs

 What's a Buying Club?!

🤗We know many of our customers are excited to buy our chocolate with other members of their community.

😖As a small business, shipping costs are huge.

📦 Buy any of our 4Questions Chocolates via a buying club, and shipping is free, while reducing packaging waste and our carbon footprint.

🎁 In addition to free shipping, you'll get upgraded gift wrapping, and buying clubs with more than 20 orders get a bonus gift (so please spread the word!). For every order, host non-profit organizations or synagogues are eligible for a donation or access to a fundraising event.

💝 Buying club orders must be placed by March 17, 2025 noon on March 24, 2025 (extended by 1 week!), and orders will be available for pickup in your local community on or after March 31, 2025; days, times & location will be determined by the local buying club host and will be emailed in late March.

🗺Find your local buying club below & check back soon for more



🙋‍♂️ Want to become a local buying club host? Fill out this form - we're accepting synagogues, schools, non-profit organizations & private individuals to host a buying club or access some other collaborative options. See more options here.